Thursday, January 19, 2012

Komodo Dragons

Far off in the country of Indonesia, only 3,000-6,000 Komodo Dragons survive. They live high up in the trees when they are young and eat insects or other small lizards. If one comes down, a full grown Komodo Dragon snaps it up. They are its own kind, but are a tasty snack. Not many young Komodo Dragons survive and humans are killing adult Komodo Dragons for their skin. Now, it is illegal to kill a Komodo Dragon. You can also help, adopt a Komodo Dragon on Smithsonian national zoological park!

Written by Julia Acton


  1. Oh wow! The Adopt a species gift package is almost the same as the WWF adopt an animal package! My mom adopted a tiger for one of my Christmas presents!

  2. Thank you for highlighting the Komodo Dragons, Jujitsu. Long may they survive and thrive!

  3. Wowza. Only 3-6 thousand? o-o And they're dragons, they can breath fire! ;p
